Frequently Asked Question
The BSP has provided guidance that new terminology will replace 'scale and polish' and 'root surface debridement' with supra-gingival professional mechanical plaque removal (PMPR) and subgingival professional mechanical plaque removal (PMPR).
This can cause confusion as scaling can be supra and sub gingival so for recording UG targets on the portfolio, we have decided on PMPR: Pockets 3mm or less and PMPR: Pockets 4mm or greater.
Existing entries of RSD and Scale and Polish are not affected but these terms will no longer be available from the dropdown list for new entries, which should now use the appropriate new term. Relevant targets should count both kinds of entry during the transition period.
BDS Only: If you are currently undertaking a Code 3 or 4 Management of a Periodontally Compromised Patient and have already entered a Scale and Polish or RSD, these steps will not be listed when you claim the multi-step procedure. Please retrospectively edit the relevant Visit on the Portfolio to use the corresponding new PMPR procedure and note the amendment in the description. You can then claim this completed procedure as normal.