Frequently Asked Question

How do I delete/unclaim a Multistep procedure?
Last Updated 3 years ago

When you have claimed a multi-step procedure, all of the treatments that you have counted towards it are locked to prevent further editing*. If you wish to edit any of the sub-steps or change your overall grade, you need to delete the current award and then re-claim it.

You can do this by following the following steps:

  1. Find the finished procedure you want to remove in the "Awarded procedures" tab of "Multistep Procedures" and click view
  2. After double checking it's the right one - click "Unclaim Multistep".

After confirmation, the multi-step procedure will be removed and all of your treatments will be unlocked**.

* The reason this is done, is because your 'final' grade for the overall procedure is based on the grades of the treatments that you are counting towards it - if you changed these grades the final grade might not be right any more.

** If a treatment is counting towards more than one completed procedure it wont be unlocked until ALL completed procedures are removed.

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