Frequently Asked Question

How do I view my clinical targets?
Last Updated 2 years ago

You are expected to achieve a series of targets throughout your programme. These are shown on the Portfolio and your progress towards them is calculated from your patient visit entries.

To view your targets click the "Cumulative Targets" link in the left hand menu. This will display your most recent set of clinical targets that you are working towards. As you are givenadditional sets of targets, these will be shown as links across the top of the page so you can switch between them.

When a set of targets expects you to demonstrate competence across a number of different specialisms within the school, each specialism is given their own tab to list the targets they expect you to meet.

Each specialism's tab lists a table of targets containing rows of:

  • The name of the target
  • The target grade and how many must be demonstrated at that grade
  • A summary of your grades towards the target so far

The target's background turns green and displays a tick once you have completed enough treatments at the minimum grade.

For more details on the target and what is expected, you can click on its name. This will present the target's details page showing:

  • The target itself
  • A list of clinics where the target can be achieved
  • Which procedures the Portfolio is looking for in your visits when calculating your progress towards the target
  • A list of any additional rules that are being applied (e.g. paediatric treatments only count child treatment entries; complex restoration targets only count treatments where more than one surface of the tooth has been selected etc.; treatments must be performed before the target's cut-off date)
  • A summary of your progress towards the target:
    • In total
    • Over time
    • How you have worked your way around the mouth
    • and a list of all of the entires that are being considered for inclusion in your total

See also: Why isn't my treatment counting towards my targets?

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